Nature for Beauty and Health

Coloring Book 'Flowers'

Coloring Book Flowers-

Pictures of 70 exotic and non-exotic flowers find their places in the pages of this engrossing coloring book.
Some flowers are easy to find in the patterns while the others are hidden among leaves and grass. Searching them for coloring lets relax and retrieve stress if any.  

Look at some samples:

Coloring Book Flowers 1-   Coloring Book Flowers 2-   Coloring Book Flowers 3-   Coloring Book Flowers 4-

The twin video ‘Flowers’ ( suggests an appropriate color combination for each picture.  

To order the book, click here!

Take pleasure!

4 Offers: Fat Burning Kitchen, Anti-Aging Foods

Read the details in the '4 Offers: Fat Burning Kitchen, 101 Anti-Aging Foods, etc.' -  Click Here!

Magic mineral water - Donat. Минеральная вода Донат

Mineral water Donat
Water Donat

Every morning a room maid brought a bottle of the famous mineral water Donat. The first impression of it - rather sour, but the next day, I wanted to taste it again, and all subsequent days, water became an integral part of the water intake. Of course, from the very beginning we were told that Donat Mg - perfect splendor, we were even given a small leaflet describing the beneficial properties. From this it followed that this natural mineral water rich in magnesium, and magnesium - is the necessary material, which is not produced by the body itself, it must come from outside. We can meet the daily needs of the body by drinking 2 cups of Donat a day. Further, the water contains: calcium, sodium, gidrogenkarbonat, sulfates, lithium, and bromide, fluoride - these are useful not only for patients but also healthy people. More information about the medicinal properties of Donat and other mineral waters of Slovenia can be found in the book of A.A. Nazarov, "How to slow aging and how the disease begins".